Friday 18 January 2013

Shot list addition


As our group had planned the shot list around our location (Anglia Square) being open to the public we didn't know what would be different about it when we were allowed private access. Therefore, we discovered new elements of the location that conveyed significant generic conventions of the thriller genre, of which, could potentially lead to a more minacious mise-en-scene. i.e a shutter door that allowed the van into the car park which is opened operating an old rusty chain. The idea of incorporating this within our opening seemed very effective and allowed us to use close-ups and low angle shots in order to make the white van man (Bill) seem more menacing.

We also have some shots of the shutter door closing from the outside, which, when pieced together some of the shots I have uploaded could create a fluid example of match-on-action. However, we are still considering whether or not to include these shots as it could lead to exceeding the 2 minute run time.


  1. Chain movement and sound is impressive and menacing. Well done, some great shots, and perhaps a good establishing shot. In fact you could use the sound of the chain as a sound bridge through the entire opening or?

    Adam watch your use of media language, instead of "we found new things" insstead, we have found some excellent generic conventions to add to the MISE-EN-SCENE of our production. Using mise-en-scene is very important.

    Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, we're currently considering how and where we could effectively place these clips within our opening and I like the idea of the sound bridge!

      I have updated this post with a more media related sentence and will remember to consider the use of "generic conventions" and "mise-en-scene" in my future posts.

  2. I love the chain shots (particularly the third video on this blog post) - very threatening, particularly with this angle and CU.

    1. Cheers! We're thinking about hopefully incorporating it in the final edit somewhere.

  3. Hey, the vids are privated.

    I found the final version, but seeing some bts would be nice
